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Educational Development

The Educational Development Committee was created to implement public service initiatives impacting the lives of the youth in our community.  Our mission is to support students living in the Monroe area by mentoring, building positive relationships, and enriching educational experiences.


The goals of the Monroe Alumnae Chapter Educational Development Committee are to:

·        Plan and Implement Exemplary Programs and Projects

·        Positively Impact the Lives of the Students We Serve

·        Promote Academic Achievement and Social Development of our Program Participants

































































Youth Initiatives:

Delta Academy
Catching the Dreams of Tomorrow, Preparing Young Women For the 21st Century
The Delta Academy was created out of an urgent sense that bold action was needed to save our
young females (ages 11-14) from the perils of academic failure, low self-esteem, and crippled
futures. Delta Academy provides an opportunity for local Delta chapters to enrich and enhance
the education that our young teens receive in public schools across the nation. Specifically, we
augment their scholarship in math, science, and technology, their opportunities to provide service
in the form of leadership through service learning, and their sisterhood, defined as the cultivation
service learning, and their sisterhood, defined as the cultivation and maintenance of
relationships. A primary goal of the program is to prepare young girls for full participation as
leaders in the 21st Century.

Delta Academy has taken many forms. In some chapters, the Academies are after-school or
Saturday programs; others are weekly or biweekly throughout the school year; and still other
programs occur monthly. At a minimum, chapters plan and implement varied activities based
upon the needs of the early adolescents in their areas. The activities implemented most often
include computer training, self-esteem and etiquette workshops, field trips for science
experiences and for college exposure, and special outings to cultural events, fancy dinners,
museums, plays, and concerts.

The EMBODI  program is designed to refocus the efforts of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.,
with the support and action of other major organizations, on the plight of African-American
males. Both informal and empirical data suggests that the vast majority of African-American
males continues to be in crisis and is not reaching its fullest potential educationally, socially and
emotionally. EMBODI is designed to address these issues through dialogue, and
recommendations for change and action. EMBODI will include a program format and
information template. The delivery options may include a town hall meeting, workshops, and/or
teen leadership summits.

Delta GEMS
The Dr. Jeane L. Noble GEMS Institute – A natural outgrowth and expansion for the
continuation of the highly successful Dr. Betty Shabaaz Delta Academy: Catching the Dreams of
Tomorrow, Delta Gems was created to catch the dreams of African American at-risk, adolescent
girls aged 14-18. Delta GEMS provides the framework to actualize those dreams through the
performance of specific tasks that develop a CAN DO attitude.


The goals for Delta GEMS are:
1. To instill the need to excel academically;

2. To provide tools that enable girls to sharpen and enhance their skills to achieve high
levels of academic success;
3. To assist girls in proper goal setting and planning for their futures high school and
beyond; and
4. To create compassionate, caring, and community minded young women by actively
involving them in service learning and community service opportunities.
5. The Delta GEMS framework is composed of five major components (Scholarship,
Sisterhood, Show Me t
he Money, Service, and Infinitely Complete), forming a road map
for college and career planning. Topics within the five major components are designed
to provide interactive lessons and activities that provide opportunities for self-reflection
and individual growth.

Delta GEMS, like Delta Academy, is implemented by chapters of Delta Sigma Theta.

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